Women around the world face the brunt of severe hunger, with conflicts exacerbating the inequality. Ending this discrimination requires empowering more women and girls to lead on building peace and food security for all
Women around the world face the brunt of severe hunger, with conflicts exacerbating the inequality. Ending this discrimination requires empowering more women and girls to lead on building peace and food security for all
Climate change means millions more women and girls risk having insufficient food and resources to meet their basic needs. As women bear the brunt of climate impacts, so they must have equity in decision-making on climate solutions
COP28 is a pivotal moment for the Paris Agreement. The first global stocktake presents a comprehensive view of progress towards the goals of the agreement. The synthesis report released in September makes it clear we are falling well short. The science is clear and, collectively, we have the knowledge and resources to deliver. Now it is time for political leaders to unite behind a common plan to address the climate crisis
Is it possible to hold back, or reverse, large-scale degradation of land and tackle climate change?
Origin Green provides a range of services to raise sustainability and climate literacy in the Irish food and drinks sector
At the mid-point on the way to 2030, SDG financing is under pressure. Reforms of the global finance system, and more targeted financing solutions, are needed to get back on track to meet the Global Goals
As the climate warms, more people will be forced or will want to move, both within and between countries. How do we ensure that migration is supported, equitable, and beneficial for migrants and for sending and receiving communities?
Global, Latin America and the Caribbean
How can you achieve an equitable balance for investment, responsibility, accountability, and authority for natural resources that function as a global public good? Can efforts to restore the Amazon rainforest provide an instructive example?
To achieve net zero and unlock progress on multiple SDGs, we need new, coordinated action to manage the complex interplay between food, land, energy, and water systems
The Origin Green program has been driving sustainability across Ireland’s food and drink sector for more than a decade