Land: from degradation to restoration
Climate — Global
Is it possible to hold back, or reverse, large-scale degradation of land and tackle climate change?
Climate — Global
Is it possible to hold back, or reverse, large-scale degradation of land and tackle climate change?
Climate — Global
How do we protect the ever-increasing numbers of people forced to abandon their homelands due to the devastating impacts of our warming planet?
Food systems and sustainable agriculture — Europe
Origin Green provides a range of services to raise sustainability and climate literacy in the Irish food and drinks sector
Economic development
The EU’s unilateral approach to curb deforestation through restrictions on imports sends a powerful message, but will it deliver? Here, the authors argue that successful global action on deforestation calls for a carefully balanced system of tariffs and subsidies from a wider coalition of countries
Economic development — Global
The world’s poorest countries have most to gain from tech like AI that can rapidly accelerate SDG action, but are often the least able to utilize such innovations. We need a global, cooperative effort to ensure that the technical tools and skills that humankind has developed are available to all
Rapid urbanization is placing unprecedented strain on the life-critical resources of water, energy, and food. We need rapid take-up of coordinated (or “nexus”) approaches to urban development and resource management if we’re to make sustainable cities a reality
Financing — Global
At the mid-point on the way to 2030, SDG financing is under pressure. Reforms of the global finance system, and more targeted financing solutions, are needed to get back on track to meet the Global Goals
Migrants and refugees — Global
As the climate warms, more people will be forced or will want to move, both within and between countries. How do we ensure that migration is supported, equitable, and beneficial for migrants and for sending and receiving communities?
Climate — Global
To achieve net zero and unlock progress on multiple SDGs, we need new, coordinated action to manage the complex interplay between food, land, energy, and water systems
Economic development — Global
COVID has exacerbated already deep inequalities between rich and poor.
If left unchecked, the forces creating inequality will become even more
destructive as the climate crisis starts to bite, threatening all of Agenda 2030. The world must urgently redouble efforts to reverse these trends