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Food systems and sustainable agriculture — Europe
The Origin Green program has been driving sustainability across Ireland’s food and drink sector for more than a decade
Food systems and sustainable agriculture — Europe
The Origin Green program has been driving sustainability across Ireland’s food and drink sector for more than a decade
Migrants and refugees — Global
Climate change, the threat of famine, and conflicts are driving more people than ever from their homelands. While the international community’s response to the Ukraine refugee crisis has been notable for its scale, solidarity, and humanity, there is still much work to do to ensure a fair and humane asylum system for all
Global governance — Global
Climate change, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine – these crises threaten to derail development for 1.7 billion of the world’s most vulnerable people. The international community must take swift, coordinated action now to put the SDGs back on track
The continuous degradation of ocean health represents a major civilizational challenge and should be high on the international policy agenda. Ocean science and policy must offer sustainable solutions on climate, food supply, poverty reduction, and energy access
Health — Middle East and Northern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Despite the will, many developing countries lack the resources to deal with a problem that ravages at both the national and individual level. We need smarter, context-specific solutions on nutrition that can catalyze sustainable change
Food systems and sustainable agriculture — Europe
The Life ADA project, launched in Italy in autumn 2020, will provide practical support to the sector to face the challenges of climate change
Food systems and sustainable agriculture — Asia (Central, Eastern and Southern), Global, Sub-Saharan Africa
To balance the combined pressures of climate change and growing populations, we need to re-evaluate what we eat and where and how it’s grown
Food systems and sustainable agriculture — Europe
Origin Green is creating a template for sustainable food production in Ireland that is science-based and quantifiable