Category: Peace and security

  1. What direction for the UN?


    The UN is under attack from virtually every quarter. What might an effective, reformed UN look like, one that remains a central player in addressing the world’s most pressing issues?

  2. Older, not wiser


    The last nine years have seen seismic societal, economic, and political shifts around the world – meaningful progress on the SDGs isn’t among them. We know what needs fixing and in many cases how – the legacy of this generation of leaders will be whether it had the courage and wisdom to act

  3. Tackling fraud and corruption during crises


    The pandemic revealed how rapid crisis spending creates profiteering opportunities for exploitative and corrupt actors. Strengthening anti-corruption measures is urgently needed to ensure that the anticipated investment surge toward achieving Agenda 2030 truly benefits the planet’s most vulnerable

  4. Peace and security: redefining the UN’s primary purpose


    The war in Ukraine, the displacement of virtually the whole Palestinian population of Gaza, and Haiti’s spiral into anarchy have vividly exposed the UN’s inability to avert and resolve conflict. How might a changed UN apparatus be more proactive and effective in resolving disputes and bringing peace?

  5. Supporting women caught in the Palestine conflict

    While the war on Gaza devastates all its inhabitants as neighborhoods turn to rubble, the toll on Gazan women is particularly shocking. The world must act now to stop the immediate suffering – and then commit to the harder work of helping women rebuild their lives in a peaceful future