Category: Financing

  1. Net-zero saboteurs


    Indirect lobbying of governments and institutions by industry associations remains an important way for companies to sabotage climate progress, and it’s flying under the radar. We need more responsible firms and governments to call out and curb these hidden and harmful practices before it’s too late

  2. Balancing investment and trade to address climate challenges


    As developed economies deploy powerful incentives to boost low-carbon industries, critics argue they’re creating structural barriers for developing countries, hindering their ability to participate in and benefit from the global shift to clean energy. How can we balance climate investment and trade to promote a rapid, just transition for all nations?

  3. Creating a financial ecosystem that delivers genuine sustainable finance


    Finance that will deliver on climate action and the SDGs requires a coordinated approach among governments, regulators, rating agencies, exchanges, asset managers, and investors. Many encouraging initiatives are already underway – now, we must build on this momentum to create a financial ecosystem where every investment supports both economic growth and environmental preservation

  4. Three priorities for scaling private climate finance


    Calls for the private sector to plug gaps in climate investment, expertise, and entrepreneurship often overlook a critical fact: only government policy can unleash capital at scale. With targeted incentives, governments hold the power to drive the private funding needed to meet climate goals

  5. Older, not wiser


    The last nine years have seen seismic societal, economic, and political shifts around the world – meaningful progress on the SDGs isn’t among them. We know what needs fixing and in many cases how – the legacy of this generation of leaders will be whether it had the courage and wisdom to act

  6. Is clean technology transfer an empty promise?


    Technology transfer is fundamental in developing countries’ aspirations to decarbonize, yet the flow of green tech from developed nations is far below what’s needed. How can we shift investment and political incentives to truly enable the proliferation of sustainable technology worldwide?

  7. Beyond 0.7%: measuring ODA effectiveness


    Figures on official development assistance volumes are silent about ODA results. To support progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we urgently need new data and holistic evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness of ODA

  8. Tackling fraud and corruption during crises


    The pandemic revealed how rapid crisis spending creates profiteering opportunities for exploitative and corrupt actors. Strengthening anti-corruption measures is urgently needed to ensure that the anticipated investment surge toward achieving Agenda 2030 truly benefits the planet’s most vulnerable

  9. Financing for development: at a crossroads


    When the SDGs were adopted in 2015, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda set out a vision for how the Goals would be financed. A decade on, the numbers remain woefully short of requirements. Next year’s follow-up conference must enable rapid acceleration of development finance if the 2030 Agenda is to retain any hope of success