Strengthening forests: our long-term carbon sinks
Europe, Global
Land-based carbon sinks should play a bigger role in national and international climate action planning
Europe, Global
Land-based carbon sinks should play a bigger role in national and international climate action planning
Global, Middle East and Northern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Nature-based solutions are increasingly recognized as a critical part of climate action. Key to their success will be the greater involvement of women
A worldwide movement to protect, manage and restore the land will have fast and wide-ranging benefits. It must be the centerpiece of our global redesign
Marketing and lobbying in support of bogus “green” solutions is undermining global efforts to halt climate change. The UN must step in to convene an intergovernmental scientific panel that evaluates corporate environmental claims
Europe, Global
The Sustainable Development Goals provide the only possible path to lead us from current crises to a future of long-term survival for our planet and inhabitants
Without action, this century will see many more species go extinct. Halting biodiversity loss calls for all countries to act now to transform how we produce, consume, and manage resources
We must urgently find ways to turn burgeoning waste from cities into a resource
Origin Green is creating a template for sustainable food production in Ireland that is science-based and quantifiable
With the impacts of climate change ramping up, building resilience, particularly in developing countries and small island states, is now critical and urgent. We must convert our knowledge of climate solutions into priority actions now to achieve rapid and sustainable transformations
Europe, Global
We know how to restore land, and the benefits it brings to communities, climate, and biodiversity. Countries must act on land restoration now