
  1. It’s down to governments to unlock business action on climate


    Conventional wisdom is that business resents regulation: this is not always the case when it comes to climate. A sizeable number of G20 businesses are calling on their governments to set clear, ambitious policies and regulation that will protect the 1.5ºC climate goal

  2. Connecting Nigeria’s national climate goals to local action


    Sizeable and impactful climate action can also be achieved through small, coordinated actions by individuals. Students at Osun State University, Nigeria, are gaining the knowledge to make their own contribution to combating climate change in a program that can be replicated across the education system

  3. On the brink of the abyss


    As the UN Secretary-General warns, humanity is facing a cascade of crises. COP26 will be the moment of truth for climate and all countries must step up

  4. Unlocking the power of knowledge for climate action


    We are fortunate to possess an abundance of data that alerts us to the nature and potential impact of climate threats and that can also guide our response. We are not effectively using this knowledge. The human barriers slowing progress must be removed